History of 80 Years of The Fosse Co-op Camera Club

Leicester Forest Photographic Society amalgamated with The Fosse Co-op Camera Club on Thursday 25 July 2024.

During the 1939-45 war, working at Taylor Hobson the photographic lens manufacturers in Byford Road, Leicester, were two people who were both interested in photography. One, Ted Chapman, who then lived at 162 Fosse Road North, and the other Albert Poxon living in Oban Street, Leicester, through their mutual interest, discussed forming a photographic club together with two other Taylor Hobson employees, whose names the records cannot recall.

So it was arranged, and on a Friday evening in 1943 the first meeting was held at Albert Poxon's house. Then came Maurice Mason and Ralph …. And the group was also joined by Wilf Brown. From the ensuing discussions they decided the name should be “The Fosse F8”. For approximately twelve months the weekly Friday evening meetings continued, when several more people became interested. It was then decided to hire one of the small upstairs rooms at Fosse Road Methodist Church, now with a membership of about twelve.

From this first meeting until the present day the Club has held its meetings on a Friday evening. At some time during those years, with an increase in membership, it was thought fit to change the name to “Fosse Camera Club”. The Club still had its home at the Fosse Road Methodist Church, although, in the later years, in the large downstairs hall until 1985.

For various reasons, by majority vote. the Club changed its home to the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, (formerly Mantle Road School). As the old Mantle Road School was due to be turned into an Art Centre the Club had to move again in 2000 and for three seasons held their meetings at the West End Community Centre, Andrews Street. The bookings became unreliable here and so The Fosse Camera Club then moved to its very comfortable accommodation at St Peter’s Church Centre, West Holme Street in 2003. Since Covid this room has become unavailable on a Friday evening and for this reason we have decided for the time being to continue to meet on Zoom.

For various reasons, by majority vote, the Club changed its home to the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, (formerly Mantle Road School). As the old Mantle Road School was due to be turned into an Art Centre the Club had to move again in 2000 and for three seasons held their meetings at the West End Community Centre, Andrews Street. The bookings became unreliable here and so The Fosse Camera Club then moved to very comfortable accommodation at St Peter’s Church Centre, West Holme Street in 2003.

From 2005 we changed our name to Fosse Co-op Camera Club as we were grateful to the Midlands Central England Co-operation Society for their Sponsorship.

Covid struck and curtailed our face-to-face meetings in March 2020 and from then our meetings were held via Zoom. When we were ready to resume normal meetings this room became unavailable on a Friday evening. It was agreed at this time to continue meeting bi-weekly via Zoom.

Due to falling membership and following discussions with Leicester Forest Photographic Society, it was agreed to amalgamate with them and this was formalised on 25th July 2024.

Go to Celebrating 60 Years of Photography for details of the history of Leicester Forest Photographic Society.

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